This work package adopts a critical social science approach and explore critical raw material goal conflicts not simply as arising from opposing material interests of local actors, but as reflective of normative tensions between value systems of global significance. It will explore conflict resolution mechanisms that addresses these tensions across administrative and political scales.
The work package provides analyses that improve the prospects of managing critical raw material goal conflicts in fair and legitimate ways.
It includes three central research objectives, each translating into a specific task below:
to map where goal conflicts can be expected to arise, and change, under varying future mineral demand scenarios – as driven by different assumption on socio-technical change;
to assess the most urgent trade-offs that raise difficult value judgements and develop a normative framework for addressing these to support perceived fair governance of goal conflicts wherever CRMs are sourced
to analyse how human rights and environmental due diligence (HREDD) legislation, as a governance innovation with growing political interest, can be used as a solution to proactively reduce and manage goal conflicts.
Participating researchers
Rasmus Kløcker Larsen, Stockholm Environment Institute, work paclage leader
Maria-Therese Gustavsson, Stockholm University
Aaron Maltais, Stockholm Environment Institute
Björn Nykvist, Stockholm Environment Institute