New reports on mineral governance and renewable energy from IRENA

Critical materials for renewable energy: Improving data governance

This report, one of two produced in conjunction with the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs, reviews initiatives aimed at improving data availability in other sectors to inform models for critical materials data management.

This report highlights the importance of unified data repositories to enhance governance and decision-making in critical materials markets, emphasising how data opacity can impede renewable energy deployment. It examines major existing data sources on critical materials and reviews the key actors involved in their governance, including national government institutions, international organisations and foundations, mineral associations and commercial data providers.

Download the report on IRENA’s website

Constructing a ranking of critical materials for the global energy transition

The report presents a methodology for constructing a global ranking of critical materials for renewable energy applications, aiming to fill gaps in existing lists by providing a truly global perspective. It discusses several findings and their impacts, highlighting the dynamic nature of mineral supply chains. These chains are influenced by geopolitical, regulatory, and technological changes, posing challenges for predicting future critical materials.

Download the report on IRENA’s website

Noomi Egan